Meaningful Work of Lab Test and Chemical Analysis Services
Chemlab is a leader in laboratory testing and chemical analysis services. As an industry leader, Chemlab is committed to delivering an excellent work process in every aspect of our lab test services. The difference between us is in our authenticity and transparency, which ensures the accuracy and dependability of our chemical analysis and lab test findings. Chemlab is delighted to be completely certified, reassuring you that your laboratory testing services requirements will be fulfilled to the greatest possible quality.
We provide analytical services in six key categories: Water & Environmental, Food & Feed, Miscellaneous, Microbiology, Cosmetic Testing, Pharmaceutical & Supplement, Industrial Hygiene, Blood & Urine. Our highly trained professionals have a strong desire to innovate and inspire new discoveries that improve both the quality of life on long-term sustainability.
Our fundamental principles of lab test services include leadership, teamwork, and ongoing development as a single, solid organization. We aggressively collect input, acknowledge our successes, and work nonstop to improve the whole lab testing services experience.
Here are our full range of business that we cover
In each of these core business we offer services such as Inspection | Testing | Certification | Monitoring
Water & Environmental
Testing Parameters:
1. Chemical Characteristics – e.g. dissolved oxygen, acidity (pH), salinity, nutrients and other contaminants, BOD, COD, Fluoride, Phenol, Oil & Grease, TSS, TDS.
2. Radioactive test
3. Physical Characteristics – e.g. temperature, colour, sediment suspended in the water.
Food & Feed
Testing Parameters:
1.Nutritional labelling
2.Heavy metal
Testing Parameters:
2.Mining and Metal Analysis
3.Raw Material Analysis
4.Petrochemical Analysis
Testing parameters:
1.Total Aerobic Microbial Count
2.Total Yeasts & Molds Count
3. Escherichia coli
4. Salmonella
Pharmaceutical & Supplement
Testing parameters:
1. Heavy metal
2. Microb test
3. Assay
4. Physical test: Disintegration test, Hardness test, Friability test
Industrial hygiene, Blood & Urine
Testing parameters:
1. Acetone
2. Alcohol
3. Heavy Metal ( Aluminium, Arsenic, Antimony, Cadmium, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Cyanide, Iron, Lead, Magnesium, Manganese, Mercury, Nickel, Silver, Zinc)
4. Urinary Biomarkers
Cosmetic Testing
Testing parameters:
1.Preservative Efficacy Test
2.Stability/ Shelf Life Test
3. Challenge Test
4. Steroid Test
5.Physical Testing
6.Chemical Testing