Industrial Hygiene, Blood & Urine
Occupational Health Medical Surveillance Testing
Industrial hygiene and medical surveillance testing are crucial to ensure a safe working environment for your employees. Protecting your workers’ health is critical for their personal safety and for your corporate image.
Chemlab provides occupational medical surveillance, industrial hygiene as well as blood & urine testing services to protect your employees and safeguard your business. Your workplace could be exposed to gases and radiation, issues of temperature control, noise, highly carcinogenic chemicals and micropollutants. It is your responsibility as the employer to ensure that the employees’ exposure to chemicals and pollutants are below the permissible level and adequate risk assessment and control measures are put in place.
Our team members can provide you with a complete overview of the areas of occupational health and safety you should be examining and advise you on the frequency of medical surveillance and industrial testing required to ensure compliance.
Our material and industrial hygiene testing laboratory uses international standards to test for a comprehensive range of pollutants. Based on our test results, we provide you with a plan for addressing any issues we find in your workplace.
For a fast on-site analysis today, call our team and make your workplace cleaner and safer for your people.
Blood & Urine
Testing Parameter:
- Acetone
- Alcohol
- Heavy Metal ( Aluminium, Arsenic, Antimony, Cadmium, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Cyanide, Iron, Lead, Magnesium, Manganese, Mercury, Nickel, Silver, Zinc)
- Benzene, Toluene , Xylene, Styrene
- Trichloroethylene
- Urinary Biomarkers
- Hexane
- Formaldehyde
- Ethyl Acetate

- Chemical Exposure
- Chemical Health & Risk Assessment (CHRA)
- Noise Monitoring
- Area Noise Mapping
- LEV ( Local Exhaust Ventilation)
- Swap and Surface test
- Bioaerosol air monitoring
- Indoor Air Quality Monitoring (IAQ)
- Filter Analysis
- Solvent & Chemical Analysis